Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Love at first sight!

After only about 24 hours, I must say- I am in love. London is incredible and even thought I've just gotten here, I already feel at home! We got in yesterday evening and even though google maps took us a very confusing, roundabout way, I didn't mind a bit. We maneuvered the underground during rush hour traffic, walked through the busy streets bustling with bikers, taxis (the cutest ones you'll ever see), double decker buses, and lots of commuters, and got pleasantly turned around in neighborhoods lined with charming brick houses, each with different colored doors. Let me tell you, getting lost in London is actually enjoyable- because it means you get to talk to British people, and thus hear the most wonderful accents ever. I'm considering pretending to be lost throughout my entire stay here just so I can ask for directions and listen to the accent all the time.

Other notable moments here include finding the British version of Chipotle (a very comforting find only a 10 minute walk from my flat), orienting myself with the wonderful neighborhood, meandering around the neighborhoods with historic and beautiful government buildings, using my fob correctly on the first attempt, figuring out what a fob is, and moving into my modest but comfortable flat. Overall, London just has a great charm to it. The most ordinary things have me smiling all the time like the businessmen in suits riding bicycles down busy streets and the funny-sounding names of the stops on the tube. I know this term will bring it's challenges but I am really glad with my choice to study here and I think it will be an amazing three months! I begin orientation tomorrow and will hopefully get more of an idea of what I'm in for and meet the other students here. Thanks for reading!

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